Hello. This nostr bouncer (bostr) is bouncing the following relays: - wss://relay.damus.io (raw_rx: 1165697; rx: 160793; tx: 1679; fail: 6169) - wss://relay.nostr.band (raw_rx: 1170381; rx: 365195; tx: 2751; fail: 32717) - wss://relayable.org (raw_rx: 743648; rx: 51302; tx: 2586; fail: 7948) - wss://offchain.pub (raw_rx: 1047466; rx: 108539; tx: 4597; fail: 7895) - wss://relay.primal.net (raw_rx: 1065604; rx: 23129; tx: 4876; fail: 8020) - wss://nos.lol (raw_rx: 1495338; rx: 101669; tx: 3122; fail: 7800) - wss://relay.mostr.pub (raw_rx: 463083; rx: 14501; tx: 809; fail: 7983) - wss://nostr.bitcoiner.social (raw_rx: 905690; rx: 134568; tx: 1847; fail: 7895) - wss://nostr.oxtr.dev (raw_rx: 1489786; rx: 41044; tx: 4904; fail: 7497) - wss://relay.shitforce.one (raw_rx: 804178; rx: 38644; tx: 4802; fail: 7327) - wss://search.nos.today (raw_rx: 3009420; rx: 61230; tx: 0; fail: 19938) - wss://yabu.me (raw_rx: 686647; rx: 167412; tx: 353; fail: 6727) - wss://relay.nostr.bg (raw_rx: 880767; rx: 233603; tx: 4987; fail: 7052) - wss://nostr-relay.app (raw_rx: 1548300; rx: 167889; tx: 4764; fail: 11157) - wss://nostrue.com (raw_rx: 949820; rx: 25400; tx: 4823; fail: 7873) - wss://relay.plebstr.com (raw_rx: 22096; rx: 1261; tx: 1007; fail: 4742) - wss://nostr21.com (raw_rx: 851600; rx: 226862; tx: 904; fail: 7148) - wss://nostr.blockpower.capital (raw_rx: 1167222; rx: 298481; tx: 4976; fail: 10049) - wss://relay.bostr.online (raw_rx: 78642; rx: 30336; tx: 0; fail: 5591) - wss://relay.earthly.land (raw_rx: 117342; rx: 29231; tx: 4639; fail: 25164) - wss://nostr.mom (raw_rx: 1210444; rx: 98276; tx: 4947; fail: 7805) - wss://nostr-verified.wellorder.net (raw_rx: 115891; rx: 60532; tx: 947; fail: 4428) - wss://relay.stoner.com (raw_rx: 108789; rx: 69796; tx: 0; fail: 11154) - wss://nostr.einundzwanzig.space (raw_rx: 331078; rx: 10882; tx: 3867; fail: 5863) - wss://nostr.fmt.wiz.biz (raw_rx: 1083069; rx: 74302; tx: 4884; fail: 7909) - wss://nostr.lu.ke (raw_rx: 1055723; rx: 15148; tx: 4833; fail: 7833) - wss://nostr.mining.sc (raw_rx: 382026; rx: 347678; tx: 0; fail: 7856) - wss://relay.nostr.net (raw_rx: 1028765; rx: 36864; tx: 4715; fail: 6554) - wss://nostr-02.dorafactory.org (raw_rx: 334843; rx: 12233; tx: 5031; fail: 15385) - wss://nostr.overmind.lol (raw_rx: 0; rx: 0; tx: 0; fail: 6587) - wss://n.ok0.org (raw_rx: 1151289; rx: 79307; tx: 4879; fail: 8873) - wss://nostr.data.haus (raw_rx: 886131; rx: 18969; tx: 4895; fail: 7782) - wss://nostr.zbd.gg (raw_rx: 36669; rx: 5548; tx: 0; fail: 6147) - wss://srtrelay.c-stellar.net (raw_rx: 173343; rx: 85170; tx: 4746; fail: 7228) - wss://relay.nostr.wirednet.jp (raw_rx: 397816; rx: 60151; tx: 5050; fail: 14071) - wss://relay.highlighter.com (raw_rx: 700304; rx: 156623; tx: 5037; fail: 5058) - wss://relay.dolu.dev (raw_rx: 397379; rx: 6332; tx: 4885; fail: 7825) - wss://relay.siamstr.com (raw_rx: 607309; rx: 49166; tx: 4909; fail: 7785) - wss://relay.poster.place (raw_rx: 691555; rx: 56405; tx: 4881; fail: 7059) - wss://relay.nostrasia.net (raw_rx: 552396; rx: 92047; tx: 4884; fail: 7822) - wss://nostr.hubmaker.io (raw_rx: 149823; rx: 19007; tx: 4384; fail: 26404) - wss://nostr.coinfund.app (raw_rx: 27992; rx: 3178; tx: 768; fail: 57922) - wss://relay.momostr.pink (raw_rx: 440036; rx: 6714; tx: 4890; fail: 11008) - wss://relay.neuance.net (raw_rx: 1276826; rx: 59800; tx: 4956; fail: 5393) - wss://eden.nostr.land (raw_rx: 170281; rx: 133670; tx: 6; fail: 7484) - wss://relay.nostrassets.com (raw_rx: 281414; rx: 14867; tx: 4233; fail: 17538) - wss://purplepag.es (raw_rx: 100365; rx: 13212; tx: 19; fail: 7831) - wss://nostr.wine (raw_rx: 379243; rx: 103619; tx: 1758; fail: 14586) - wss://relay.nostromo.social (raw_rx: 966394; rx: 33650; tx: 4802; fail: 8498) - wss://rss.nos.social (raw_rx: 2258; rx: 2007; tx: 0; fail: 5062) - wss://relay.famstr.xyz (raw_rx: 386652; rx: 3070; tx: 4881; fail: 7826) - wss://r314y.0xd43m0n.xyz (raw_rx: 443035; rx: 252672; tx: 4984; fail: 9476) - wss://sfgbsfg431512asf124as.xyz (raw_rx: 3119087; rx: 88848; tx: 5039; fail: 7596) - wss://a214g24132sa2fas354411f234125.xyz (raw_rx: 3082544; rx: 69670; tx: 5046; fail: 7593) - wss://adfasfasfadsdfasfasf3123412ewfas.xyz (raw_rx: 3066075; rx: 66319; tx: 5047; fail: 7583) - wss://u42qujakzujtggyjtdcjl6b582z1gvckh52.xyz (raw_rx: 3141780; rx: 70469; tx: 5046; fail: 7602) - wss://287avuahggadsd213rg18aga3yg3whg8g8afg.xyz (raw_rx: 3127885; rx: 71325; tx: 5046; fail: 7594) - wss://23asdfasf2r341gnbrrhjhwggadffgasfsadfasafa.xyz (raw_rx: 3092817; rx: 76670; tx: 5048; fail: 7601) I have 29 clients currently connected to this bouncer. All bouncer activities in total: - raw_rx: 54162053 - rx: 4705285 - tx: 197769 - fail: 592313 Statistics legends: - raw_rx: received events from upstream relays - rx: received events from upstream relays that has been forwarded to clients - tx: succesfully transmitted events that has been forwarded to upstream relays - fail: failed transmissions or upstream errors NOTE: This relay has configured for personal use only. Only authorized users could use this bostr relay. Connect to this bouncer with nostr client: wss://bostr.online/ - To make connection that only send whitelisted kind of events, Connect: wss://bostr.online/?accept=0,1 (Will only send events with kind 0, and 1) - To make connection that do not send blacklisted kind of events, Connect: wss://bostr.online/?reject=3,6,7 (Will not send events with kind 3, 6, and 7) - To make connection that override client's REQ limit, Connect: wss://bostr.online/?limit=50 or wss://bostr.online/?accurate=1&limit=50 (Will override REQ limit from client to 50 if exceeds) - To connect with accurate bouncing mode (Default), Connect: wss://bostr.online/?accurate=1 (May consume lot of bandwidths) - To connect with save mode, Connect: wss://bostr.online/?save=1 (Saves bandwidth usage) --- Powered by Bostr (3.0.1) - Open source Nostr bouncer https://github.com/Yonle/bostr